Groves - Ready Rack

Free Standing Chrome Gear Storage

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Single sided: 21"(d) x 74"(h) x length specified
Double sided: 36"(d) x 74'"(h) x length specified

For use between apparatus or to wall mounted units to create isles in bunker gear rooms. Choose from standard lengths or specify your own.

READY RACK UNITS consist of two carbon steel, chrome plated, clear epoxy coated open wire shelf levels. All standard compartments are 18" wide and are completely separated with our exclusive full length dividers which allow unrestricted air flow. Each firefighter compartment is equipped with two hanging hooks to provide bunker pants with inside air circulation and one name plate with slide-in label to identify each compartment. Glove dry hangers are optional.

Model# Comp Length Model# Comp Length
FSS4 4 72" FDS8 8 72"
FSS6 6 108" FDS12 12 108"
FSS8 8 144" FDS16 16 144"
FSS12 12 216" FDS24 24 216"
FSS20 20 360" FDS40 40 360"