RHYNO Windshield Cutter

Rhyno Windshield Cutter

RHYNO - Windshield Cutter -01
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Passenger cars are becoming safer, but as safety increases for the occupant, more potential obstacles are created for rescue personnel. The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards require that beginning September 2017, all new cars and light trucks will have laminated glass throughout the vehicle. With patients at, near, or even impaled in the glass, rescue personnel need a tool for removing laminated glass that is both safe and efficient. The RHYNO Windshield Cutter® is that tool.

The RHYNO Windshield Cutter® is specifically designed to minimize the risk of injury, for both the occupant and user. Staying within the “Golden Hour” is the barometer for patient survival. At We Cut The Glass, LLC we developed the RHYNO Windshield Cutter® with these important points in mind. Some of the important features of the tool include:
  • Safe and easy to use
  • Minimal cabin protrusion (<1”)
  • Remarkable maneuverability (cutting close corners)
  • Consistent glass edges (fundamentally smooth)
  • Cutting action that is away from patient & user
  • Heavy glass debris field absent shards or stars

Product Video:

Kit Options:


  • R2 Cutter
  • Qty 2 - R2 Batteries
  • ½ Hour SMART Battery Charger – 14.4V
  • R2 Manual
  • Cutter blade Allen key


  • R2 Basic Kit
  • Suction Lifter Set
  • Purchase tool
  • Heavy-duty Cloth Carry Bag


  • R2 Basic Kit
  • Suction Lifter Set
  • Purchase tool
  • Pelican-style Plastic Case – Lockable, Waterproof, Custom Foam Insert