Red Line Wheeled Extinguisher CR-I-A-150-D-1

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Ansul 435050 Extinguisher, Wheeled 150 lb., CR-I-A-150-D-1

Ansul Red Line Model D

  • Features direct transfer of nitrogen from the cylinder to the agent tank, eliminating the need for a regulator
  • Multiple extinguishing agent types
  • 150 lb capacity cylinder
  • Pneumatic rubber tires
  • Corrosion-resistant finish
  • Single valve
  • Rugged fill cap, indicator fill cap
  • Discharge hose
  • Listings and approvals include UL, ULC and USCG

Agent Tank – The extinguisher tank is manufactured of welded
steel construction with two elliptical dished heads and welded
circumferential seams. The tank is designed and constructed for
a working pressure of 250 psi (17.2 bar). The top of the tank is
fitted with a 4 in. (102 mm) ID fill opening. The tank head has a
brass bodied safety relief with bursting disc which will vent at
approximately 425 psi (29.3 bar).

Nitrogen Cylinder and Valve – The nitrogen cylinder is mounted
in a vertical position and permits easy access. Volumes are 23 ft3
(0.65 m3) for the 150-D and 55 ft3 (1.55 m3) for the 350-D. Both
sizes are Medical “E” nitrogen cylinders.

Each cylinder is equipped with a conventional hand wheel nitrogen
cylinder valve and visual pressure gauge. A quick-opening
valve is available as an option. Both valves are UL/ULC Iisted.
Hoses, Valves and Nozzles – The extinguisher is equipped with
cadmium-plated brass couplings. The nitrogen hose assembly is
3/8 in. (10 mm) ID with zinc-plated brass couplings.

The nozzle consists of a two-position ball valve and barrel. The
nozzle barrel is a converging-diverging aluminum type. The
nozzle ball valve assembly is chrome-plated brass.
Nameplates – The nameplate is glare-resistant etched aluminum,
and contains hazard identification plus operating and maintenance