LION Training Systems (BullEx)

LION BullsEye™ Digital Fire Extinguisher Training System

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Don’t let the first time they handle an extinguisher be during a real fire. Prepare them to successfully put out a fire using the BullsEye Digital Fire Extinguisher Training System.

TRAIN ANYWHERE. The BullsEye allows you to train in places where emergencies may really occur, like schools, workplaces or the home. Training can now take place completely indoors, allowing you to train anywhere, anytime. With the BullsEye’s quick connects, one person can plug the system in, set it up and be ready to train in just one minute. Quickly relocate the system during training to change up the evolution and test your trainees’ skills.

TEST THEIR SKILLS. Make sure they’re prepared for a real fire by testing their skills – sensors allow the BullsEye to sense trainees’ actions and respond like a real fire. The flames will only subside and go out if the trainee uses the proper P.A.S.S. (Pull the extinguisher pin. Aim the nozzle low at the base of the fire. Squeeze the lever above the handle. Sweep the nozzle from side to side.) method. BullsEye extinguishers are set to discharge for the same amount of time as a real extinguisher, and are weighted accordingly 5lb (2.5kg), 10lb (6kg) or 20lb (9kg) to closely simulate actual extinguishers. Smoke generators emit the proper amount of smoke based on the size of the fire and time since ignition to further enhance the realism of the evolution.

SPEND MORE TIME TRAINING, LESS TIME CLEANING UP. The BullsEye uses lasers to simulate the discharge of actual extinguishers for a completely clean and safe training experience. Similarly, our training smoke does not leave a residue, so your trainees can enjoy effective training without the hazards of conventional extinguisher training.


  • Clean Training - BullsEye uses a conical laser to replicate extinguisher discharge, rather than depending on a dry-chemical or CO2 extinguisher, making it a cleaner way to train. Our training smoke does not leave a residue.
  • Effective Training - Simulate class A, B and C fires at ten difficulty levels. The system can sense if the trainee is using the correct extinguisher, aiming and sweeping correctly, and if they are an effective distance from the base of the fire. This ensures trainees are prepared in case of a real fire emergency.
  • Safe Training - Utilize LED-driven digital flames and a laser training extinguisher to provide a dynamic and realistic simulation for trainees while eliminating the hazards associated with conventional fire extinguisher training. Help businesses in your community meet their OSHA safety training requirements.
  • Train Anywhere - Because only a laser is emitted from the training extinguisher, extinguisher training can now be conducted virtually anywhere indoors or out – where fires may actually occur. Hundreds of trainees can be trained in a single day without recharging any extinguishers.
  • Trackable training - After each successful evolution, the time to extinguishment is displayed on the panel. Training record collection allows instructors to record and monitor a trainee’s progress, as well as easily export training records for sharing and creating certificates of completion.