Scotty Plastics ltd.

Scotty Foam-Fast Applicators

Scotty - Foam-Fast Applicators-01
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4010-3 Mixer, ¾" Shut-Off and 3 GPM nozzle, uses 6" cartridges, ¾" GHT
4010-15 Mixer, 1-½" pistol grip bale and 15 GPM nozzle, uses 12" cartridges, 1-½" NHT, NP or BSP
4010-30 Mixer, 1-½" pistol grip bale and 30 GPM nozzle, uses 12" cartridges,1-½" NHT, NP or BSP
4010-50 Mixer, 1-½" pistol grip bale and 50 GPM nozzle, uses 12" cartridges,1-½" NHT, NP or BSP
4010-MINI Mixing unit for Scotty 4000 Water Hand Pump, includes 3 GPM foam nozzle, uses 3" cartridges, ¾" GHT

• Simple and effective method of deploying Foam-Fast™ wetting agent onto a fire scene.
• To operate, open the inlet side of the mixing chamber, insert a Foam-Fast™ cartridge, reseal the inlet end cap, attach to a supply hose and spray Class A foam.
• The foam cartridge will dilute into the water flow and emerge through the Air Aspirating Nozzle.
• Foam-Fast™ cartridges are produced by ICL Performance, makers of Phos-Chek Foam.
• Available in multiple flow rates (see chart below) for ¾"GHT and 1-½" NHT, NP or BSP threaded hose lines.
• A 4010-MINI will convert a Scotty 4000 Water Hand Pump into a foam generator. Comes with an Air Aspirating Nozzle and uses 3" long cartridges.
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