3M | SCOTT Fire & Safety

3M™ Scott™ Sight In-Mask Thermal Imager

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When you wear 3M Scott Sight, you get more than constant thermal vision. You get your hands back. That’s because unlike other hand-held thermal imaging cameras, Sight uses a small thermal camera mounted to the side of the facepiece. A miniaturized display mounted inside the facepiece allows the firefighter to always see the image without the need for reaching down and handling an imager.

3M Scott Sight Pro Package is the next evolution of the industry’s first in-mask, hands-free thermal imaging solution. Pro Package enables new, advanced features to provide firefighters with greater situational awareness during fireground operations.

  • Auto System Power-Off – Equipped with an accelerometer to automatically turn off the system while not in use
  • Single-Button Power-Off – Power off both the in-mask display (IMD) & thermal imaging camera (TIC) by a single button press.
  • IMD Instantaneous On – Power the IMD on with a one-second push of the IMD power button.
  • Standby Mode – Activate standby mode with a single push of the TIC power button.
  • Enhanced Battery Performance – Improved battery life while the system is not active on the fireground.
  • Fits Any AV-3000 HT Facepiece – Buy as a complete kit or upgrade your current AV-3000 HT facepiece
  • Scott Sight Mobile Configuration Application – (available for download on iOS or Android) Configures IMD to customize brightness, icon layouts, temperature displays and display colors.
  • (Pro Package) Hot-Spot Tracker – Identifies the hottest part of the scene and displays its relative temperature. Ideal for overhaul, search and rescue, and risk assessment.
  • (Pro Package) Cold-Spot Tracker – Identifies the coldest part of the scene and displays its relative temperature. Cold-spot tracker can also be used in HAZMAT environments.
  • (Pro Package) Tactical Video Recording (TVR) -Automatically record all the information shown on the IMD for review later.