Starfield LION

Starfield LION - Flame Fighter Turn Out Gear (NFPA 1971)

STL-Flame Fighter
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Designed for Your Unique Needs

What works well for another fire department may not be the optimum solution for yours. You have unique needs and challenges. That's why Starfield LION Flame Fighter bunker gear offers a full range of custom features that allow you to build the coat and pants that will work best for your first responder team. Please use below to customize your gear to your specific needs and desires. If you need a bit of help with any of the options click "I Don't Know!" and one of our representatives will get back to your shortly to aid you with your choice of specifications. What is isodri? Isodri is a thermal protection system that manages moisture by a combination of
materials that BLOCK outside sourced water, WICK perspiration off the body, and
RESIST storing water inside the protective envelope. Find out more below!
Click the Links to Watch How isodri® Can Help Protect You Better! Product Documents:

Choose a few of the following options and we will be in touch with you shortly to create the specification for your departments unique wants & needs.